Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV
The magical kingdom of Lucis is home to the hallowed Crystal, but the menacing empire of Niflheim will stop at nothing to make it theirs. However, King Regis, stands between them and world domination.
22 December 1992, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
12 November 1948, Yamanashi, Japan
28 November 1962, San Antonio, Texas, USA
21 February 1971
15 February 1998, Oak Park, California, USA
24 December 1982, Düsseldorf, Germany
23 May 1933, Fukushima, Japan
22 September 1967, Detroit, Michigan, USA
13 May 1956, Portland, Oregon, USA
24 April 1971, England, UK
23 July 1951, Mansfield, Ohio, USA
August 19, 2016
Kingsglaive's sole purpose is teasing Final Fantasy XV and if you have no interest in spending hundreds of hours of your life playing it, then don't even bother.August 18, 2016
Kingsglaive won't set the world on fire, but it might just be the best movie that bears the Final Fantasy name. That's not a high bar, but it's an accomplishment.August 18, 2016
The film's convoluted plot and dense mythology ... may leave even "Final Fantasy" devotees scratching their heads.August 29, 2016
Ultimately, the Kingsglaive story is too muddled to ease viewers to this new world.August 18, 2016
The narrative content of "Kingsglaive" is a barely coherent muddle.August 18, 2016
Instead of trying to adapt the video game experience into a film format, Kingsglaive transforms the movie-going experience into something familiar to video game fans. It's essentially a really long cutscene.September 08, 2016
Kingsglaive is an incredibly beautiful film with a lot of fun nods to its Final Fantasy origins. Unfortunately, it never quite finds its footing story-wise, even with the help of some incredibly talented actors who breath life into their roles.August 19, 2016
The film is, at least, a marvelously enticing advertisement for the upcoming Final Fantasy XV video game.August 18, 2016
If the look of the movie should please fans, the plot is an absolute muddle-an unholy brew of flotsam and jetsam that ranges from Wagnerian motifs and garbled Latin bits of 'Star Wars' and 'The Lord of the Rings.'August 18, 2016
There's a very real possibility that watching "Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV" could result in brain addlement.August 17, 2016
This glorified video game trailer combines eye-popping visuals with an eye-crossing story.February 13, 2017
Amazing visuals but violence, weak plot in game-based movie.